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Saturday, June 22, 2013

School's Out!

School finished this week!

Cue the celebrations and triumphant music.

Even though it was a heck of a year, I can honestly look back and say it was awesome. I learned so much, really became a part of my school, and (I hope) truly taught my students some stuff and connected with them in a meaningful way.

The last couple days have been fraught with good-byes, packing up the classroom, and generally feeling strangely quietly letdown as the kids rushed out of the classroom for the last time.

The room felt empty (and I kinda did, too) without all the colorful decorations I'd worked so hard to put up and without the kids laughing and joking and running around (because, no matter how many times I told them "it's not recess" 8-year-old boys cannot contain themselves).

But, it was a successful year and even though it looks like I'm going back to aide-land come September, I'm focusing on summer for now.

We have a bunch of awesome plans already.

I'll be teaching ESY (extended school year) again, so I don't get to completely pack away my teacher voice just yet.

I'm visiting my parents, brother and niece before ESY begins.

I'm running not one, but two 5K's (the Color Run and it's nocturnal cousin, the Electric Run). Should be an adventure, considering I'm not a "runner. "

We are traveling to Colorado with our traveling buddies, Chad and Liz. While there we will be partaking in whitewater rafting, rock climbing, hiking, and of course, good beer. We're also skipping over to San Diego for a couple days because we simply cannot resist the chance.

Dan and I are going to the annual family vacation in the Adirondacks, which is always restful and lovely.

And I'm hoping to spend some time chilling! You know, reading, cooking, being outside.

What are you up to this summer? Any exciting plans or new challenges ahead?

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